

Since inception in 2003, DocuSign has been on a mission to accelerate business and simplify life for companies and people around the world.

With the development of e-signature technology, and today DocuSign helps organisations connect and automate how they prepare, sign, act on, and manage agreements. As part of the DocuSign Agreement Cloud, DocuSign offers eSignature: the world's #1 way to sign electronically on practically any device, from almost anywhere, at any time.

Legacy, paper-based agreement processes are manual, slow, expensive, and error-prone. We eliminate the paper, automate the process, and connect it to all the other systems that businesses are already using.


Proclaim DocuSign Services

  • E-Sign from Proclaim

    Send an E-Sign request to a client straight from your Proclaim workflow or adhoc using our integrated solution.

  • Receive updates to Proclaim using end to end encrpytion

    Using Proclaims Web services, receive document updates back into Proclaim once a client has signed the document online, this includes a copy of the signed document posted into proclaim as an incoming mail item, allowing you to push your workflow on automatically.

  • Receive updates to Proclaim via email

    Using email, receive document updates back into Proclaim once a client has signed the document online, this includes a copy of the signed document sent as an attachment to a dedicated email address for manual processing.

  • Send either a Proclaim generated document or a DocuSign Templates

    You can either send a document created in Proclaim ( Upto 10Mb ), or use a predefined Docusign Template from within your workflow.

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